Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Uploading Video Error

There seems to be a problem when trying to upload videos to the blog. For some reason it keeps saying "error" doesn't matter the video. I even tried re-uploading videos that uploaded successfuly in the past and they too are saying "error". There is supposed to be videos under the post Storyboards/Animatic and the page Audition Footage/Rehearsals. I have all this work done. It just won't let me upload them to the blog at this time. Is anybody else experiencing this problem?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Rough VFX Test

Here is a very rough visual effects test of the air brush making a stone like texture and also trying to see if green acrylic paint works well when working with chroma key and it does agreat job.



Official Movie Poster

This is currently the official movie poster for HOLLOW. Let us know what you think. We will be working on atleast one other poster during production so keep an eye out for it.